Compiling SFML on Windows


I need to compile a SFML program on Windows using Cygwin.
But for some reason, this ain't working.

My G++ (Cygwin) command:
g++ test.cpp -o test.exe -L "C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Desktop/SFML-2.3/include/SFML/" -lsfml-system-s -lsfml-window-s -lsfml-graphics-s -std=c++11

test.cpp:60:27: fatal error: SFML/Window.hpp: No such file or directory
#include <SFML/Window.hpp>
compilation terminated.

Why isn't this working?

Thanks for reading,
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First things first, unless you're compiling on an XP machine your path is wrong. If you copy and pasted this from a tutorial then it is probably an older one.

After that part is out of the way, you need to tell g++.exe to include the path where your header files are located. This is done with the -B option as stated in the man page for this application.
^I am compiling on a XP machine.
And I replaced -L with -B, and that still ain't working.
Try removing "SFML/" after the "/include/" in your argument to -B. I'm looking at the SFML folder structure right now and with the way you are including that header, you are telling it to look for ".../SFML-2.3/include/SFML/SFML/Window.hpp" in which case the compiler is correct, that won't exist.
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That's working, but now I'm getting this error:
#error This UNIX operating system is not supported by SFML library

Why isn't SFML detecting I'm using Windows?
To be honest, I'm not sure. I can tell you that you're getting that error because something that is supposed to be defining the '_WIN32' preprocesser is defining '__unix__' but none of the other macros on Lines 71 - 94. I'm trying to dig up where the compiler might be seeing __unix__.
When you called cmake to generate the Makefile, which generator option(s) did you use?
^I guess I didn't used Cmake at all. Just G++.
The reason _WIN32 is not defined is probably because you use Cygwin. I have never used it myself so I'm not sure but from my understanding Cygwin tries to emulate a POSIX/Unix-like enviroment so I guess that's why it defines the __unix__ macro.

I'm afraid I don't know how to solve the problem. A quick search seems to suggest it's not that easy. It's probably easier to get it to work using something like MinGW instead of Cygwin.
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^Thanks, I used something else as Cygwin, and I don't get the Unix-error anymore. But MinGW and Cygnus also ain't working. They gave errors that specific files (SFML) ain't found etc.
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