Binary Trees

I hope this is a proper to question to ask on this forum. How important is it to learn about Binary Trees?

I am learning how to make a binary tree, delete the tree, traverse the tree, find the depth of tress, and ect... Are these things all really necessary for me to learn? I just read that there are already STL that have all these things written. So I don't have to write them and they are much more efficient and well tested. So why do I have to learn about binary trees?

Maybe so you understand how they work?
If you moved to another language without an STL for all these things you could roll your own.
Also you might need a modified version of some function.
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It's useful to know how different containers work so that you can choose the best container for the job, and then use it in a way that is efficient.
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Actually STL does not have a tree. Some of its classes are implemented using tree, but you cannot access tree structure directly.
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