exists cvs in codeblocks?

closed account (DEb4GNh0)
exists cvs in codeblocks?
What??? Why would a pharmacy be in a code editor? http://www.cvs.com/ 8^)

Do you mean CSV (comma separated values)? That can't be in Code::Blocks either. It's a file format. You could use Code::Blocks to write code that uses CSV files though. Or you could use any other editor as well.
Or are you asking it there's a CVS (version control) plugin for Code::Blocks?


PS For those who haven't heard about it:

CVS - Concurrent Versions System

I think it's generally considered to be rather long in tooth:
CVS (initial release November 19, 1990) -- from the olden days!
SVN (initial release 20 October 2000) -- was the most popular.
Git (initial release 7 April 2005) -- most popular at the moment??

As Code::Blocks didn't appear until mid 2005, I feel that CVS may well have been overlooked in favour of SVN and Git... (but you never know!)
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