Where to go from text-based?

Hello everyone, and thank you for reading this!

First, I would like to say that I am relatively new to C++ and I'm interested in moving into Game Programming later on.

I've gotten to the point where I believe I understand quite a bit about C++ in the console, but I'm craving something more. I've been searching for videos where to move from here, but I'm not sure what's right.

I really want to move away from the basic console and begin with making windows or making stuff appear on the screen.

I'm sorry for being so vague with my question, but anything helps. Go ahead and ask questions if you need more information to help me out!

Check out SFML and Qt ;)
I tried SDL, but I was having trouble with is. I haven't tried SFML and I have no idea what QT is.

I'll definitely check those out!

closed account (E0p9LyTq)
If you are Windows based then DirectX is one way to go.
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