Corresponding symbols comparison?

For example, if you store char of symbols "( {" into a stack, how would you make a comparison to say that the correct corresponding symbols are the closing "} )" characters?

I will probably get lots of down votes because of how short my question is, but I haven't got a single clue on how to compare an open symbol to a closing symbol, nor find an efficient source online.

I'm thinking maybe I could try making a boolean function and say if '(' && ')' then return true.
Lol this ain't stackoverflow. Ain't no downvotes up in here.

Anyways, for your question, are you trying to design a finite state machine or are you trying to overload an operator?
If you have two variables c1 and c2 that contains the symbols that you want to check you can use an if statement like this:
if (c1 == '(' && c2 == ')')
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