get IP from another program

How to get IP from this application to my updater launcher, let's said this program 'A'.

This application when i click 'Play' it will be showing the game.

but i want to make my launcher first to show and the game like paused process.

For my launcher, get IP from program 'A' and go to an link that checking the new version for update file/other.

In that link, there is many folder and that's folder's name is the IP from program 'A'.

If there is the latest update, proccess download will be carried out.
But if there is no update, file update before from temp application will be copy to the game folder and play the game.

So this method for my auto updater project.

1. Get IP from program 'A'.
2. Check latest update from a link/site.
3. Make backup folder for data game for preventing.
4. Make copy proccess from update's folder to the game data.
5. Play the game.

Anyone please give me an tutorial for create this project, but i'm still beginner in C++. :(


Sorry for my bad english. :)
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