
I'am student in the univercity
my qustion is
how can i initialize stds array to print the information of all student ..
i have to buld this function on case 1
i have buld arrays and write all function prototype

using namespace std;
int const size=6;
void getinfo(int *ID, char fname[size][30],char lname[size][30],char department[size][30],double *GPA);
void fullname(char full[size][60],char fname[size][30] ,char lname[size][30]);
void printInfo(int *ID, char fullname[size][60],char lname[size][30]);
int searchID(int *ID, int id);
void searchdepartment(char department[size][30],char dep[30], int *stds);
int beststudent(double *GPA);
void beststudent(double *GPA, int *in);

void main()
char stds[size][30];
int choice;
char fname[size][30];
char lname[size][30];
char department[size][30];
char full[size][60];

cout<<"main menu"<<endl;
cout<<"1- insert student info"<<endl;
cout"2- insert student full name"<<endl;
cout<<"3- print student info"<<endl;
cout<<"4- search by ID"<<endl;
cout<<"5-search by department"<<endl;
cout<<"6- student whith the higest GPA usin fun6"<<endl;
cout<<"7- student whith the higest GPA usin fun7"<<endl;
cout<<"8- Exit"<<endl;
cout<<"insert your choice"<<endl;
case 1:
void getinfo(int *ID, char fname[size][30],char lname[size][30],char department[size][30],double *GPA);
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