missing data in my output file

Dear All ,

I have tried to write my output file as following

But what I am getting is just last line of the data in the output file as I printed them in the screen as well with no problem ,

is it from my code , there is something missing or not ?

ofstream runfile ("mppp.out" , std::ios::out );
runfile <<"Energy1"<<"\t"<< "Energy2"<< "\t"<< "Energy3"<<"\t"<<"Energy4\t\"<<"Energy5"<<G4endl;

runfile <<"

runfile <<edep1<<"\t"<<edep2<<"\t"<<edep3<<"\t"<< edep4<<"\t"<< edep5<<G4endl;

any help please,
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ofstream runfile ("mppp.out" , std::ios::out );
runfile <<"Energy1"<<"\t"<< "Energy2"<< "\t"<< "Energy3"<<"\t"<<"Energy4\t\"<<"Energy5"<<G4endl;

runfile <<"------------------------------------------------------------------------"<< G4endl;

runfile <<edep1<<"\t"<<edep2<<"\t"<<edep3<<"\t"<< edep4<<"\t"<< edep5<<G4endl;

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