How to link C++ pgm as to read information from Excel?

WI am working on a project in C++ in the aim to read information but from a Database built in Excel, this DataBase will have information/details of each object like name, age, model, photo....

My will is to create a modular programming like this one of the aspect:

/*A second trial of exercise/ Project on a DBase
in C++ by Pitt*/
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <stdio.h>

using namespace std;
class person
char name [30];
char ATechData [30] ;
int size, age;

void getdata();
void display();

void person :: getdata (void)

cout <<"Information Auto Tech-Data: ";
cin >> ATechData;
cout <<"Enter name:";
cin >> name;
cout <<"Enter size:";
cin >> size;
cout <<"Enter age:";
cin >> age;

void person :: display(void)

cout << ("\nName: ") << name;
cout << ("\nsize: ") << size;
cout << ("\nage : ") << age;
cout << ("\nInformation Auto Tech-Data") << ATechData;

std::cout << "Press ENTER to continue...";
std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');

int main()
person p;


return 0;
In void display

This lines should be like this( you dont need the "( ... ) " thing,just this : "\nName : "....
cout << "\nName :  "<< name;
cout << "\nsize :  "<< size;
cout << "\nage  :  "<< age;
cout << "\nInformation Auto Tech-Data ; "<< ATechData;

And I guess you need to learn about the MS Excel format,well I think you need to google tht.Lets see if anyone of us helps you on tht respect.
I didnt check the link but try this :
Here is a simple class to read and write Excel spreadsheets.
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