Reviewing for a test, cant find these questions :S

My professor gave us an exam review, and I have done all of the questions and these were the questions I absolutely could not find. If anyone may know even one of these that would help so much, and would really help me review for my exam. thanks to anyone who takes the time to help.

These are true/false:

* On average, the sequential search algorithm searches half of the list.

* A binary tree must be nonempty.

* A preorder traversal of a BST is just the reversal of the postorder traversal.

* A binary search tree could be defined as having the items larger than the root item in the left sub-tree
and the items smaller than the root item in the right sub-tree.

* The inorder traversal of a binary search tree always outputs the data in ascending order.

* A node in the binary tree is called a leaf if it has no children.
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