Is programming going to be a tough journey?

closed account (3voN6Up4)
Hey guys, I'm not asking any sort of coding question this time. I want to know from all of you experienced folk here who seem to understand everything if I am going to have a rough journey ahead of me. I see some answers and questions from people on here and their code looks so advanced to me. I tell myself: "Wow... don't think i'll ever write that anytime soon. Maybe within a year..."

I want to be a programmer when I am an adult. I'm currently 16 years old and I am taking a C++ Programming course in high school. I'm one of the top students who learns at a slower pace for certain subjects that confuse me. Like loops. I've been stuck on loops for nearly a week and I've had 6+ missing assignments and 0's because of it. Eventually after much stress and constant walking away from the computer to take a walk outside due to my frustration, a spark came and I was beginning to understand. I did all of the programs that were assigned and I bumped up my 56% to a 98% and I've been striving on since then.

Right now, I am ahead and I have been sitting in front of my computer programming. My teacher is having us do two last programs for chapter 7 monday but I am already on the 4/8th program for chapter 8 (arrays) :P

Everything seems to confuse me at first, it's a weird learning style I have. My friend once told me I shouldn't rush learning, and find ways to get it and to never give up. I never gave up on looping and after many headaches I have grasped it.

I'm thinking of going to college for programming but unsure of what I could major it. I'm currently looking at Computer Software Engineer and Computer Software Developer, confused on which one I actually intend to want based on my desires.

I want to be able to code, code, and code. Maybe code for a video game! I was always unsure of what I would want to do but I knew it was in computers. Now I finally know what. Whatever it is, I want to code like I am doing now. Sitting back, typing away, maybe some extremely productive office days writing 200+ lines of code that day. At the end of the day I want to be able to spend it with my family and maybe play video games with my future children or play outdoors.

C++ seems to be the language of interest for me as it is very powerful and used a lot in the gaming industry. I like the way it's layed out and the fact that you can define the type of variable and such, unlike in other languages like python.

I probably should have a secondary language though... what should it be?
Okay, lets break this down.

I use to feel the same way when I first joined this site. I would look at code from here and especially on Github and It would be a bit overwhelming. BUT, the key thing I realized is not to give up and keep working on your coding skills. REALLY understand the material you are learning. I could help you with different topics regarding programming and data structures, cyber security, etc. If you can't find no one to help you with certain topics (on coding) visit YouTube and lookup thenewboston. That is the guy I first learned coding from.

As for a secondary language I strongly recommend learning Java. It is EXTREMELY wanted in the work force and isn't going to die out any time soon. I rarely ever see jobs that require you to know C++ any more. It is sad but true. The only C++ jobs I have seen was for the company Blizzard and game companies like that. I say learn at LEAST 2 languages before applying to jobs in the future. This will make you a semi-competitive candidate. Also if you haven't already (LEARN HOW TO USE LINUX). Companies find that VERY valuable.

Keep up the hard work and you'll be fine. Just code everyday for at least a hr and within no time you'll be where you want.

closed account (3voN6Up4)
@C0D3FR3AK Thanks for your reply! I will check out thenewboston as well.
I'm the same age as you and we have a lot in common! I really want to learn coding to make videogames someday. I felt like you in the beginning (I had problems even with variables lol) but now that I've got into coding learning has been much easier. As of the second language... There are a lot of them and the choice depends on what you want do with it. Maybe we could help eachother so contact me!
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