Finding lowest number

Pages: 123
I don't put up with disrespect from anybody. I'm willing to agree to disagree. I did not appreciate the way you spoke to me on the other thread. I don't know why you jumped on this one being a cryfag but if what you want you got the right guy. I am a lil older and rusty. I respect all though or try. I am just here to learn. Sorry
I've never been reported that I know of either
closed account (48T7M4Gy)
You still don't get it.

I don't put up with disrespect from anybody.

Funny that. I have the same attitude to bullies. You're leaving a good trail.

You were asked to reduce your posts to one thread which was a reasonable request made in your interests. You've decided to take exception to that with me and another good faith volunteer.

I/We get no satisfaction here other than helping people, but from my perspective, you've blown it and still continue to be abusive while expecting to be able to say sorry and to agree to disagree. An old trick, nice try, but you've failed again.

You haven't been jumped on and you aren't a victim. You're a bully.

There is no disagreement here and I have no interest in what you may or may not appreciate about anything.

All you're doing as a mature adult is setting a bad example.

I think we're done here. My next approach will be to the FBI cyber bullying team.
Ok idiot since this is the only thread that I have and you disrespected me when I asked you how to do something, and no you jumped on here being a little bitch crying about how upset you were but in actuality you never did actually tell me how to close a thread but they are all closed so go fiuck yourself little bitch boy. I am done with this whole fucking crybaby show you have going if any with you on this good bye to those bitches too, but you are a complete little cryfag
closed account (3h0oLyTq)
I am done with this whole fucking crybaby show you have going if any with you on this good bye to those bitches too, but you are a complete little cryfag

Count me in :))
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Pages: 123