I want to be able to program. Pls Help!

Well straight to the point. I'm 16 near 17 and I'm a junior in High school. I love video games, computers, and anything technology related. This a bit of a rant so i'm sorry.

I wan't to learn to program. That's as basically as far as i get on a google search. I've followed a lot of tutorials, videos, and more. Every forum I read on how to learn programming for beginners I'm just l like okay ill try that but never get any where. Game development is in mind but i understand the concept that it'll be long till i get to actually make a game of mine.

I simply do not know where to start. I've tried tutorials and I even looked at a couple pages of a book. My problem is when i start these tutorials i feel like its a just a point and click simulator. I read the instructions; they give a brief explanation and BAM "Hello World". In my mind i'm sitting here like well great i have no idea what i just typed. I guess i just expect it to be like a class in school where they constantly refer to the same things we just learn and have homework and quizzes to make sure we have it down.
Same thing with books. People all over forums are like here is a great book for beginners. Then i take a look at the book and I'm one the first page and already have no idea what its talking about. Idk if its because i just read it wrong or i just have no common sense.

All i'm asking is for some help. I wish i could ask you guys "Can you give me a whole baby step curriculum and you'll understand the basics in a year".
If it is possible help me find someway to learn how to program/code where i can spend 5+ hours a day learning I already spend more than that just playing pc games. I really want to learn the right way and at a steady pace. If there is a book that i can ready from start to finish and actually "understand" the basics of the language and apply my knowledge to a programming something without any tutorials and referring back to the instructions 24/7. Also I do understand that this is a c++ forum. Most people I have seen have said "DONT START WITH C++" and then tell me to go to java or something. TBH i'm up for learning something hard i just need the right tools that will not completely leave me in the dust and make me feel dumb.

I BTW this is the first time I've ever posted on a forum. I feel like its best to talk to the people who actually have a grasp on programming, and know how to explain the whole process to someone who is completely lacking knowledge of this skill.

I'd like to note i'm on a desktop and it's pretty beefy so no limitations regarding my computers performance.

My writing skills are terrible and this is very lengthy. The names Chris, i hope my sorry self can be helped. If anyone needs clarification of what i'm asking just reply! :)

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Hard to say where to start. Your not going to learn programming overnight. 4-5 years and you should be pretty good if you put the time in. I've been programming 20 years but not for a job, so I don't have a lot of time invested.

In my case, I program for fun. I program to solve problems. I read and google for the purpose of writing something useful to myself. Now you can't start that way, you actually have to read to learn, not to pass a test but to actually code. Take that Hello World program and start changing it, add stuff, try something new and eventually you'll get a idea of something else you want to program.

Start small, get some success under your belt and keep adding small things until your ready to do more complex things.

My advise would be to read what all the guys/gals are posting here. Most are probably taking programming in college and a lot of what you see here is homework questions. Try their programs, figure out how they work and how to make them better. I learned a lot here in a short time simply because they are doing things I wouldn't have thought about on my own.

To start, Learn to read and write to text files.
Learn to work with strings and variables.
Learn how to write loops, count, add, search, and anything else you can think of but keep it simple to start.

In the process you'll learn to troubleshoot programs that don't work and you can ask questions here to get help if your really stuck. 90% of the problems here could be found with a google search, so don't forget that tool.

Learn C and you can jump to about any other program language. Don't give up and keep working and even if your not good at it you'll be able to write some stuff that your friends will go wow and you'll actually have something useful.
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