I really need your help to do this task :(

Hello everyone. I ran into this problem. I need to do this task till this afternoon and my PC died :( If someone could do it I would be really grateful. I think it isnt very hard. Task:

Read the date from file to array
Create a base class, where the base info about the client will be.
Create derivative class that contains info about electricity, garbage and water.
Create personal code search (same client can have more than one bill)
Sort client's bills by decreasing sum.

Data file:

Petras Petraitis 38404210265 Raudondvario 13-5 58.12 Vilniaus energija 1.15 124
Jonas Jonaitis 39703111287 Misko 25-1 24.78 Kauno svara 109
Antanas Pavardenis 35109313345 Laisves 12-4 98.54 Rokiskio vandenys 4 5
Petras Petraitis 38404210265 Misko 25-1 9852.78 Kauno svara 129
Petras Petraitis 38404210265 Laisves 12-4 948.54 Rokiškio vandenys 7 5
Jonas Jonaitis 39703111287 Raudondvario 13-5 958.12 Vilniaus energija 1.15 128
Jonas Jonaitis 39703111287 Laisves 12-4 198.54 Rokiskio vandenys 9 5
Antanas Pavardenis 35109313345 Raudondvario 13-5 588.12 Vilniaus energija 1.15 127
Antanas Pavardenis 35109313345 Misko 25-1 224.78 Kauno svara 15 10

what does it contain:

Petras(Name) Petraitis(Surname) 38404210265(personal code) Raudondvario 13-5(adress) 58.12(Sum) Vilniaus energija(business)

If there is Vilniaus energija, then the following references are 1.15(Rate of electricity) 124(Meter value)

If there is Kauno svara, then the following references are 109(quadrature)

If there is Rokiskio vandenys, then the following references are 4(amount of cold water used) 9(price for house heating)
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If your a student, the college should have a computer you can use, in the dorm, a lab, the library. Since you can get online to post this I assume your also using something powerful enough to write this code yourself.
I'm using my Samsung Galaxy Note 4 to post this. I live in my own house and the nearest place to get a pc is 10km from here :/
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