New to c++

Hi guys,

I'm new to c++ and wanted to know if there was any good reference websites and website where i can just get some code and have a look at it. I have coded before in Java before so i'm not new to oo languages but of course the syntax is completely different.

So if anyone has any pointer or help it would be greatly appreciated.
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As a reference, I prefer
But occasionally I use this site:
And in the cases where a reference is insufficient, the standard draft can be obtained here

If you want working code, try github. Of course, there's no quality guarantee.

Note: C++ is not a purely OO language like Java. Most C++ programs can greatly benefit from a wide variety of techniques that are beyond what is practical, useful, or often possible in Java. Simply writing Java-style code in C++ will result in programs that are unnecessarily difficult to modify and debug.

Sometimes this issue is called "Fortran in any language" syndrome:

This book is worth reading:
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Thank you
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