What topics should I go over to work with templates?

So my class this semester started out with template classes in C++ and I feel a bit confused by some of the language and requirements in the first assignment. This topic is rather deep in the text book and that has me a bit nervous. Obviously I asked the professor to help, but here I am so use your imagination to fill in the blanks.

Basically I have to write a template class with constructors and operator overloading


"3 SA( int l, int h ) – allocate a 1D T array in freestore with size of (h – l + 1) and which can be indexed between l and h."

What is freestore and how do I index between l and h instead of 0?

"7. operator[ ]( int offset ) – will allow user to treat SA names as if they were regular array names. You will need two version of it, one for read, the other for write."

Basically all of that

"9. operator << () as friend function."

What is the function of that function?

If you want to explain some of this stuff to me then thank you so much, but to make it easier on you guys what are the topics I need to look into to fully understand what is being asked of me here?
Why don't you get a copy of Bjarne Stroustrups's book "The C++ Programming language"
Everything you need to know is explained there.
The latest edition is a bit pricey, but even the 3rd ed. would be a good start. I guess you won't learn the latest C++11 / C++14 in your course
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Thanks, guys
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