How to learn C++ language in easy way

I'm back again guys!

Can anyone suggest or give some tips how to start C++ programming?

Like where do I start, what knowledge I'll be using aside from the

tutorials, is there an easy way to learn this language? I'm kinda

bored reading tuts.

Exercises for noob like me.
Read books.
I'd recommend Thinking in C++, this available online for free as HTML files, theres also a second volume which is also available for free.
closed account (jwC5fSEw)
I agree with workman845. TIC++ is a great book to learn from.
The learning of a language is only as easy or as hard as you make it. ...gee, when did I become wise?

TIC++ is a pretty good book to learn from. Highly recommended.

Also, if you want a direct link to some exercises:

If you need help REALLY badly and haven't gotten any fair answers from the forum, PM me and I'll try to get back to you within the number of seconds since the Linux kernel was released. I will not solve exercises or problems, though, just answer knowledge questions.

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