calculate CGPA with recursion help

How do I calculate CGPA while only using recursive and with no loops. I know that you multiply the grade by the credit hours and then divide that by the total credit hours but I can't seem to get the calculation right. I can get the data from the .txt file so that it's correct but it does not display like it should. I know to calculate CGPA you would do: //3.2(2)/17+3.6(4)/17+2.6(4)/17+3.2(4)/17+3.8(3)/17 = 3.259. but when I do it, it gives me 1.
I'm fairly sure that it has something to do with my calculateGPA.
Here is the data from my .txt file:
1400,Introduction to Programming,4,3.6
1410,C++ Programming,4,2.6
2420,Introduction to Data Structures,4,3.2
2810,Computer Architecture,3,3.8
1030,Introduction to Computers,2,3.2
// Recursion.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "LinkedList.h"
#include "Course.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
char dataFileName[] = "data.txt";
ifstream fileData;, 0);
if (fileData.good() == false)
cout << "ERROR: can't open data file: " << dataFileName << endl;
// wait for the user to press enter to quit
cout << endl << "Press the [Enter] key to quit...";
return -1;
LinkedList courses;
while (fileData.eof() == false)
int courseNumber = 0;
string courseName = "";
unsigned int creditHours = 0;
double grade = 0.0;
fileData >> courseNumber;
if (fileData.good() == false)
fileData.ignore(1024, ',');
getline(fileData, courseName, ',');
fileData >> creditHours;
fileData.ignore(1024, ',');
fileData >> grade;
// add a course
courses.insert(new Course(courseNumber, courseName, creditHours, grade));
// display the ordered list of courses
double gpa = courses.CalculateGPA();
cout << "Cumulative GPA: " << gpa << endl;
// wait for the user to press enter to quit
cout << endl << "Press the [Enter] key to quit...";
return 0;
#pragma once
#include "Course.h"
class LinkedList
// prints the contents of the list of courses to cout
void PrintList();
// precondition: list is in sorted order
// postcondition: newCourse is inserted into the list so the list maintains
//sorted order. using recursison.
void insert(Course* newCourse);
// postcondition: size is returned. Must be calculated using recursion.
unsigned int size();
// calculates the Cumulative GPA of all courses in the list.
// Cumulative GPA is the sum of all earned grade points divided by the sum of all credits
// grade points is found by multiplying the grade of a course by the number of credits for that course
// this must be calculated recursively.
double CalculateGPA();
Course * head_ptr; // start of linked list
Course *InsertAfter(Course *head_ptr, Course *newCourse); // recursive helper for insert()
unsigned int SizeHelper(Course *ptr); // recursive helper for size()
void PrintListHelper(Course *course); // recursive helper for PrintList()
double GradeHelper(Course*);
unsigned int TotalCredits(Course*);
double CalculateTotalGradePoints(); // total of all earned Grade Points in list of courses
unsigned int CalculateTotalCredits(); // total of all credits in list of courses
#include "LinkedList.h"
#include <iostream>
head_ptr = nullptr;
void LinkedList::PrintList()
void LinkedList::insert(Course * newCourse)
if (head_ptr == nullptr)
head_ptr = newCourse;
Course *lastNode = InsertAfter(head_ptr , newCourse);
lastNode->next = newCourse;
unsigned int LinkedList::size()
if (head_ptr == nullptr)
return 0;
//Course* temp = head_ptr;
//int used = 0;
return 0;
double LinkedList::CalculateGPA()
return CalculateTotalGradePoints() * CalculateTotalCredits() / 17;
//return 3.259;
Course * LinkedList::InsertAfter(Course * head_ptr, Course * newCourse)
if (head_ptr->next == nullptr)
return head_ptr;
return InsertAfter(head_ptr->next, newCourse);
unsigned int LinkedList::SizeHelper(Course * ptr)
return 0;
void LinkedList::PrintListHelper(Course * course)
double LinkedList::GradeHelper(Course * course)
if(course = nullptr)
return 0;
return true;
unsigned int LinkedList::TotalCredits(Course * course)
double LinkedList::CalculateTotalGradePoints()
return; }
unsigned int LinkedList::CalculateTotalCredits()
return TotalCredits(head_ptr);
and then there is this code that I couldn't include:
#pragma once
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Course
// parameterized constructor
Course(int courseNumber, string courseName, unsigned int credits, double grade);

// destructor
~Course(); // use recursion to delete all Courses in the list

// returns the Grade Points (grade * credits) for this currentCourse and all
// courses linked to currentCourse
// must use recursion
double CalculateGradePoints(Course *currentCourse);

// returns the total credits for the currentCourse and all courses linked to currentCourse
// must use recursion
unsigned int CalculateCredits(Course *currentCourse);

// next Course in the linked list
Course *next;

unsigned int courseNumber; // ie: 1400, 1410, 2420, etc...
string courseName;
unsigned int credits; // 0 - 4
double grade; // 0.0 - 4.0

#include "Course.h"
#include <string>

Course::Course(int courseNumber, string courseName, unsigned int credits, double grade)
this->courseNumber = courseNumber;
this->courseName = courseName;
this->credits = credits;
this->grade = grade;



double Course::CalculateGradePoints(Course * currentCourse)
return; not sure what to return here

unsigned int Course::CalculateCredits(Course *currentCourse)
return; I'm not sure what to return here
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