ofstream from string

Help (please)-

I need 2 output files
1- Named "out.txt" to write output data (done)
2- Named based on a string file name read from a fie. For example, in a file there is a string called "test01.txt" which is the name that I need for my second output file.

I have tried the following:
getline(in, saveName);
ofstream file;

but the file name saved in the string saveName is never generated. If I fat-finger in "test01.txt" as opposed to the saveName.c_str() it works but I need this file name to be generated dynamically.

What am I missing?
The code you have there should do what you want. Something else must be wrong.
cout saveName to the console to see if it's being read correctly.

If not: is the input file open? is it at the correct position in the file (possibly the beginning)? is there any whitespace (spaces, tabs, newlines) that should be skipped first?
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