Download Cplusplus tutorial in pdf

closed account (2zACM4Gy)
Hi sorry I dont know whether I can post here or not but is there a way to download this c++ tutorial in pdf ?If yes please tell me.
Thank you
wget --no-parent --recursive

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closed account (2zACM4Gy)
@salem c is there a way to convert all the files downloaded into pdf format

@mbozzi the link you has 2007 version and I think the size has an updated version.Do you know how to download the updated version currenlty the site has in pdf format?
> is there a way to convert all the files downloaded into pdf format

I googled "HTML to PDF" and found some stuff.

OpenOffice / LibreOffice can also read in HTML and save as a PDF. I don't know how effective that is for multiple documents - especially if you want navigation links.
Can I ask why you want a PDF version? If you wanted an offline version then you could have just downloaded the pages.

And to be frank though I would link it as a quick reference, I would not recommend that tutorial for somebody who's trying to learn C++ for the first time. It's quite brief for that.
@mbozzi the link you has 2007 version and I think the size has an updated version.Do you know how to download the updated version currenlty the site has in pdf format?

If you learn everything in that PDF you'll just have C++ 11, 14 and 17 additions to add to your skill background. I've been using C++ for a couple of years and still only sometimes use C++ 11.

You can already do a lot with that version, plus it's a good basis for learning new stuff. IMHO
closed account (2zACM4Gy)
@Hoogo Thanks I will read the pdf file of 2007 version.I just want to know if there is 2011 or new versions of the c++ documentation available as pdf version so that I can even read the new things and offline without have to open the site again so that I wont get distracted much :) .
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