permenant headach 3

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closed account (N8MNAqkS)
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What’s a Hexipon?
closed account (N8MNAqkS)
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I’ve tryed to execute your code and it’s difficult to understand if it works properly or not, but it doesn’t seem to.
Anyway, there are parts you can definitely improve, even if your code worked.

1) In your class methods, you declare a new instance of that class.
Even if sometimes happens (for example, when you overload postfix increment or decrement operator --> operator++(int)), that’s not common.
(And in that case, the new instance is constructed by copy from the old one.)

Your class methods should at most modify the class properties, not work on a local instance that will be destroyed as soon as you exit the function.

Aside note: to make this point clearer, writing the class implementation in a separated .cpp file, different from the one where there’s main(), it’s preferable. But, if you don’t know how to link two .cpp files together, you can put off this choice.

Example of (wrong!) local instances:
void GameLogic::PlayerMoveLeft()
    GameLogic UsingGameboard;

void GameLogic::MatchStart()
    while (Continue)
        GameLogic UsingGameboard;

etc. etc.

2) It seems you want your class to take care of… everything.
That’s usually not advisable. To realize something which resembles that video, you need to manage at least two things: the board and the computer moves. Your class should take care just of one of these (I suggest the board).

You can of course write more classes: one for the board, and one for the game logic, which also makes the computer moves - after all they are random.

- - -
My personal advice:
Do not spend the most of the time trying to make your program beautiful: make the logic work, then you can embellish your ‘graphic’.
Do start by something very simple. For example, implement a board like a 2D container, such as a std::array<std::array<char, 3>, 3> or even a C-style 2D array, like char board[3][3].

Put one single symbol in it and make it move, but inside the board boundaries:
         may not go here
                     |     may go here
                     |      /
may not go here -->  V    /
                      |X| | |
may go here  ----->   | | | |
                      | | | | 

(Better start without the pipe | symbol - the simpler, the better)

When you are able to move symbols without errors, set up your ‘real’ board:
vvv  <--- three symbols which ‘look’ downward
     <--- an empty line
^^^  <--- three symbols which ‘look’ upward

Write down the code to move every symbol ‘manually’ and to let the program determine the condition situation:
1) when a ^ is in the top line or when a v is in the bottom line
2) when (player in turn) cannot make any move
3) when there are either no ^ or no v left

At this point you can add the game logic (i.e. computer moves and learning).

Compile very, very often; make little steps; check before adding.

sry I spelled it wrong its spelled Hexapawn
Jesus Christ, man. The repository's name is the way people use to access and find your code. Couldn't you at least spell that correctly? Why should anyone else care about your code if you yourself don't care enough to spend the bare minimum of effort on it?
closed account (N8MNAqkS)
wtf ass hole. chill out holy shit, helios.

that was how a thought it was spelled, but when you asked what it was I went searching for the video and I found out it was wrong, simple fucking mistake ok Christ. WTF is wrong with the people on this forums all you guys want to do is argue. you just attack and I dont understand it. im new at this why t hell are you so triggered over this, its not im making the next face book I am simply learning how to program. which seems impossible as all the people in this community are just ass holes.

dont tell me I dont care man, I spent hours making this. I fucked the name up big fucking woop.

im done here man I am tired of getting attacked by you guys. learning this shit is hard enough without ass holes like you budding in making it harder.
closed account (N8MNAqkS)
its the first real program I have worked on and you pissed about the name.

for real, what was the point in your comment. there was no need for that shit. it was a simple mistake. and it has nothing to do with what I wanted to know.
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I think helios' comment meant to be somewhat playful, but I can’t read minds.
Anyway, that was me who asked what a Hexipon was; later, I tried to help - perhaps I failed. Please, don’t be touchy, some misunderstanding might happen. Do focus on my comment, if you don’t mind.
Happy coding!
closed account (N8MNAqkS)
sry for the mix up.

that shit was not playful, in anyway. he tried to say no one cares about what I do an that I didn't either, which is complete BS. I'm new at this and that was how I thought it was spelled, and I was wrong. and he decided that he wanted to get all pissy about it.

but thx for the help but I dont think programing is for me anymore. YouTube videos can only teach me so much, and I dont have the money to go to collage. these forums were helping but I have been attacked 2 times already, once for people misinterpreting my question, and second for simply miss spelling something. I have just lost all interest in this shit. people fucking destroy your will to learn.

I dont know what I will do with my life, I guess I have 2 more years of high school to figure it out. But I am done here man I appreciate that you wanted to help.
Don't misunderstand. I didn't get angry at all. But this was how my first impression of you went:
Title: "permenant headach 3"
I enter the thread.
First post (paraphrased): "I didn't do it because I was lazy." Also the post was barely readable because of all the missing letters.
Er... Okay... I guess it takes some balls to admit that.
Second post: "The title 'Hexipon' is mispelled, it's actually 'Hexapawn'."
WTF? Is this guy even taking this seriously?

Whether this is you first project or you thousandth one, you're putting your work up for public scrutiny. You might not think so, but the title is important. It's the first thing people see about your work. People don't know if you care about your work or not, all they can see are the results. Maybe you mispelled it because that was honestly how you thought it was spelled, or maybe you mispelled it because you made a typoe and then couldn't be assed to correct it. To an outsider the result is the same.
And most people will not be as blunt as I was. They'll take a look, see the freaking title mispelled, and move on. You'll never even know you failed.

You can ragequit over this -- that's your prerogative -- but I suggest that you learn instead.
First, grow a thicker skin. Criticism of your work is not an attack on your person. Plus, there are people online much harsher than me who will attack you personally.
Second, show that you care about how you present yourself. Like I said, I came to this thread and all I saw was someone who didn't care in the least that their writing was illegible. No one expects prefect grammar, but do try to make sure at least 90% of the words are spelled correctly. I think that's just basic respect for whoever has to read your text.
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closed account (N8MNAqkS)
I'm not putting it up for scrutiny. you CHOSE to do that, and if you take a minute to read the damn post correctly, I say I am doing this with my high school. so things are a little incomplete, as I dont have much time after school to perfect all my code for you. I dont have all the time in the world. and what you said was not criticism, you were pissed because I miss spelled something, something that is not even important. I am fine with criticism. Notice how I was totally fine with the post Eniozat left. it is ok because it is constructive and helpful. You decided to have a bitchy little fit over a typo. and it is not even like a typo where I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing, I just legit thought that was how it was spelled.

and you wanna shit on me about my spelling

" maybe you mispelled it because you made a typoe and then couldn't be assed to correct it."

you misspelled misspell and your typoe is a typo. this is honestly hilarious to me. and I cant tell if your "assed" is meant to mean my ass or is supposed to be asked.

and if you were trying to help me about my spelling, why couldn't you think of a less provocative way of informing me.
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closed account (z05DSL3A)
HueMungus wrote:
...but I dont think programing is for me anymore. YouTube videos can only teach me so much, and I dont have the money to go to collage.
have a look at what edX has to offer before giving up.
and you wanna shit on me about my spelling
It wasn't just the spelling, it was your whole attitude. The spelling was most obvious, but the "I didn't do it because I was lazy" was the worst part, IMO. I don't care if you go to high school; I learned to program in high school too, and I made time every day to practice. I sure as hell didn't ask other people to find my bugs for me because I was too lazy.

I'm not putting it up for scrutiny.
The moment you put it in a public repository like Github it's up for scrutiny. I'm sorry, but that's the way it is. You can disagree, but that just makes you wrong.

you misspelled misspell and your typoe is a typo.
Fair enough. Like I said, no one expects perfect grammar. Unfortunately you blanked the OP, so we can't compare the quality of my writing to yours.

and I cant tell if your "assed" is meant to mean my ass or is supposed to be asked.
"To be assed" means "to be bothered".

why couldn't you think of a less provocative way of informing me.
Welcome to the Internet. Some people will say things nicely, and some people are cunts like me. You're better off with the cunts, though, trust me. When you fuck up we'll tell you "you fucked up", without sugarcoating.

PS: And to add to what Grey Wolf said, you don't need to go to college to learn to program or computer science. I never went and I do this professionally. There's more than enough resources online. YouTube videos are the bottom of the barrel, really.
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closed account (N8MNAqkS)
I don't care u did everything better then I did, good for you, your amazing. Sry my personality offends you, i write in the way that I talk sometimes. That is to say, i try to mimic the mood in which i speak, using informal language and spelling things the way I would pronounce them. Maybe instead of getting triggered and starting BS arguments online with provoking comments on unimportant things, like the name of a fuking repository, one which means nothing in the grand scheme of things. You could have been like-hay, your point is not entirely clear, and your spelling is making it difficult to understand. Could you maybe clear things up a bit- instead you chose to be a cunt, which is never better.

And there are ways to to let people know something should be done better without sugarcoating it and without being a dick. As I illustrated above. Your not helping anyone being an ass.

And yes, welcome to the Internet!!! Where it is your job as an individual to try and make it a better place. One where people can try and help others and bring them up, Instead of discouraging people with offensive comments and calling it helpful advice.
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What you don't seem to understand is that the only difference between me and everyone else is that I'm telling you what I think. Other people are judging you the same way I am, but they're keeping their opinion of you to themselves.

hay, your point is not entirely clear, and your spelling is making it difficult to understand
You're still missing the point. It's not that your writing was incomprehensible. That doesn't matter. When you write however the fuck you want you give the impression that you don't care how people perceive you. If you do care (for example because you're trying to get help in an online forum) then write like you care.

Get in the habit of writing properly if you want to be taken seriously. You might think that it doesn't matter, but it does.
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closed account (z05DSL3A)
HueMungus, Please don't take this the wrong way, I'm not taking sides here just offering a perspective.

I have seen a few threads of yours and have come to the conclusion that you get frustrated and angry quite quickly. Now helios has been around here for a long time and to be frank is as blunt as a sledgehammer but believe it or not has mellowed of time. I think if he actually meant you malice, you would know it. Even now he is giving you advice.

The language you use has a big effect on how people respond to/remember you. When you respond with lines such as "wtf ass hole. chill out holy shit, helios." people remember you as the angry one that insults people. If your posts are an effort to understand, then people will not bother to try. If you get terse responses correcting something you have written, don't take it as an insult, or go on the defensive.

I hope you stick with programming and the forum for a bit longer.
closed account (N8MNAqkS)
So people will remember me as the angry one but Helios is totally fine, he did nothing wrong and was not being an ass and everything is my fault. He made no attempt to help and instead decided to be a dick and that is my fault. Great cool. Not choosing sides my ass.

Yeah i am frustrated. I get frustrated with jerks like Helios wjo think it is ok to be a dick and call it good advice. I get frustrated with people who make no attempt to help, and get away with being a dick, and then get support from people like you who for whatever reason want to defend people like Helios. I am tired of being blamed for other people being ass holes.

If that is what these forums condone then hell no i am not sticking around.

I am fucking done with this shit, fuck programming. This shit is toxic. All I wanted to do is learn and all I got was shit on a fuking typo

I cannot fuking believe this shit. Even after this it will be used against me to make me look like the ass hole and blame me
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people will remember me as the angry one

Deleting the content of your posts in a fit of pique sure isn't helping.

Having a profanity-laced, stampy foot tantrum isn't a good look either.

You've always acted as if the forums are your private tutorial service, as if we are paid to do what you demand.

If you are really leaving, do let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.

If you can grow up and learn to take criticism, then do stay.

It is up to you. There are other people here who can benefit from being helped.
closed account (N8MNAqkS)
Everything is always my fuking fault. All do is ask a simple question. Then someone goes out of context, takes something I say, uses it against me and goes out of their way to piss me off over some dumb ass shit. What kind of baby shit is that, where you gotta go out of your way to come at someone over a typo. Christ man. And then u get defended for it. How is everything always my fault. I can't control that Helios is a fukin dick. That he wants to spend his time pissing people off over dumb shit.
Why do I not get any backup, why does the troll get support.
Why do I not get any backup, why does the troll get support.

Because it is YOU who is acting the troll part, Mr. "Change My Name To Be Pissy."

But your sense of entitlement clouds your judgement and vision.

Either grow up or leave. I don't care which, I'm done.


If only cplusplus had an ignore button, you'd be the first.
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