"Error spawning cl.exe"

Why is it that if I compile my source code, the compiler said "error spawning cl.exe"? Even my source code is correct, the compiler always results in the said error. The compiler that I use is Microsoft Visual C++, my OS is Windows Vista. Please Help me.

From the first link: (this is a PATH issue)

1.go to:
tools -> options -> directoris
2. delete from everywhere all directois
3. create new user account and enter in it
4. open vc++ and enter tools -> options -> directoris
5. copy in file all directories and save in txt file.
6. change your before user
7. go to tools -> options -> directoris and paste all datas from txt file
8. save and create new project .. use vc with smile on face
heve a good time. Thank's for attention.
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