wat is the project menu for ?

In turbo c++ v3.0
there is a menu called project.
It does not allow us to create a new project.so I copied the one from the examples(that comes with it) and modifed its contents to add my files.
If I am creating a big prog. how to use that project menu.
can v use the funtions defined in one .cpp file in another like vb.

pls tell me,it will be damn use full

also wat is the purose of
"using namespace std;"
If I put that the compiler returns error.
You would benefit from reading through the tutorials on this site.

In IDE parlance, a "project" is a collection of files that compile to make an executable program. TC++ 3.0 is very, very old and not standards-compliant. Unless you are specifically targeting the 16-bit DOS platform, you should download and use a modern compiler and IDE:
(It is free to use.)
ok wats "using namespace std;"
pls suggest other IDE

Is c-free v4.0 ok ?
wat topic to see on tutorials
Tutorials: The one following the introduction, creating 'your first program'.

C-Free looks like a nice IDE (I'd never heard of it until you mentioned it). I'll have to check it out. I'm sure it will do fine. I recommended Turbo C++ Explorer just because it is Borland/Inprise/CodeGear/whatever they call themselves nowdays, since Turbo C++ 3.0 is from Borland. But there is no reason not to use MinGW.

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