minimizing screen

If I start two cpp.exe files with a single batchfile. I get 3 windows total.

given that one goes away almost instantly, there are still 1/or/2 that are not meant to be seen, just to do simple task. So what is a simple command to launch a minimized cmd.exe?
don't mean to bump, but it's been a few days
Possible solution 1: Recompile the CPP programs as windows projects and turn off the window/form display.

Possible solution 2: Use a vb script (.vbs) to open a minimized cmd window. Google should give you the script.
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Thanks man. The only part i don't understand is 1.).

Google gave me the second part (or at least it looks right), but the first search gave me sites and forums that don't really answer what I am asking. So... What is option 1? with more detail?

I am a newbie myself so I searched the forum for you, please do it yourself next time :-)
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First and foremost is your C++ program using any Windows API within ? I believe Solution 1 refer to that. When you use say VC++ to write C++ program, you have project options to choose. One I think is Console Application, one I think is Windows Application and others.

Usually if you are not using any Windows API, you will opt for Console Application and most likely when you execute, you have your classic cmd.exe appearing.

But if you are using Windows Application (you call Windows API), you can so call turn off the window/form display.

Most of the time when we want cross platform capability we avoid Windows API in our C++ program and use Console Application. Then when we execute we will see the cmd.exe

I believe there are efforts to "remove" that cmd.exe box even for Console Application but that require "hacking" into the Windows internals possibly calling un-documented Windows API calls. Someone please correct me on this as it has been ages since I develop on Windows platform :P
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