Ok, so I have downloaded the 64-bit version of SFML for Mac. But, I can't figure out how to move on. I looked on the website for instructions, and it said to copy something like "SFML-x.y..." but when I looked for it, I couldn't find it. I found where I'm supposed to copy it to, but not what I'm actually supposed to copy.

Any help is appreciated.


I suggest going to the SFML forums instead. The community there is smaller, but the creator of the library himself responds to most of the questions anyways, so it'll be much more effective.

In case you got the library from somewhere else, the website is: www.sfml-dev.org.
"x.y" is referred to the version of the library. You have to look for "SFML-1.6" or "SFML-2.0" folder, or any other number.
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