How to add graphics

I wanted to make game where things are falling from the sky and you have to avoid them, but i was wondering if that was possible with c++.
I was wondering how i could add graphics to a console application or any good tutorials for it.
Also how would it work? My psudo code for it would be
if(colusion with rock)
life - 1

but i wouldnt know how to use that in c++ unless theres a colusion. I would think a bool would work but im not sure.
Thanks for the help in advance
Is it possible?
Graphics with console? No.
I would however recommend you to pickup a graphic library (SFML, SDL, Allegro, OpenGL, DirectX etc).

As for how you would do it - That's why you do it, to find out.
Warnis what i mean is for example i alredy have a tic tac toe game, how do i add graphics to that since its console application.
I know you cant have both but "upgrading/evolving" an aplication alredy made for console with graphics.

Unfortunalty, you cant. You have to re-write the whole thing using a graphics library such as any of the ones Warnis listed.
Oh, thats unfortunate. I mean atleast i like coding so i wont get bored, but let me get this straight basicly when u change libraries you are somehow changing syntax drasticly?
No, you'll just have to learn to make use of the functions available to you, there will be no change in logic or syntax.
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