Need some help with a shuffling program

I need help with a shuffling program. My assignment wants me to shuffle a string from a user input.
1) the string is considered two parts: 1st half and 2nd half. (You don't have to split to two strings)
e.g., "abcdefgh" has "abcd" and "efgh"
2) go through both half strings and write each character in the strings alternatively to a second string.
e.g., we will have "aebfcgdh" in the second string
3) copy the content of the 2nd string to the 1st string.
4) repeat step 1-3 for 10 times and then print out the content of the original string.

Can someone point me in the right direction so I can figure this out? Thanks alot
closed account (GADSLyTq)
What kind of work have you already done? Have you tried to attempt doing this problem?
So far, i read the input and put it into an array and split them, and I got the recursion set up, but how do I copy characters over to each half alternatively
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