file compression

I am trying to write the Huffman code for file compression. Although I understand the basic idea of enumerating the characters and assigning the new bit codes, I am confused as to how to actually compress a file, say for example a text file containing some characters eg. aaabb. Do I write the output as another text file containing 0's and 1's or do I create a binary? Because in a text file 0's and 1's are 1 byte and as big as a's and b's.

I think you should use binary encoding
I am confused on this, lets say I have an example.txt which contains aaabb and I assign code 0 to a and code 1 to be, the resulting compressed file would be 00011. If I write a text file with 00011, it is the same size as the original aaabb (each 5 bytes), so where is the compression?
00011 is 5 bits, not 5 bytes. A byte is 8 bits.
I have two text files, one with text www and other with int 111, when I click on the properties of the files I see the same size:

Size : 3 (3 bytes)
Size on Disk: 4.00 KB

ofstream myfile; ("example.txt");
  myfile << "www";

  ofstream myfile1;
  int i = 111; ("example1.txt");
  myfile1 << i;
You need to save in binary format, you are currently saving that integer in string format.
How do I do that? Thanks
Use base 16, aka hexadecimal, and bytes.

On most computers, a byte (aka char) holds 8 bits.
A bit can have a value of either 0, or 1.

Here's the code table:

binary  hex
0000    0
0001    1
0010    2
0011    3
0100    4
0101    5
0110    6
0111    7
1000    8
1001    9
1010    A
1011    B
1100    C
1101    D
1110    E
1111    F

Using the table above, 8D will look like 10001101. Notice the eight bits.

And here's some code:
char c = '\x8D';
char c_array[]  = {'\x00', '\x3F'};
char c_array2[] = "\x00\x3F"; // caution an extra '\0' gets added to the end 

And then you use the write() and read() functions which deal with char data.
Your example uses vocabulary that will confuse the OP -- your "code table" is not the same thing as a Huffman code table.

The smallest you can write to disk is eight bits at a time (or one byte). However, when dealing with compression, you must deal with individual bits.

What you must do is create a cache to store bits until you get enough (eight) to write.

[ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ] -- A cache with no bits used.

If I put a bit in, then the cache still has seven empty spaces.

[ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 ] -- A cache with one bit used.

If I put another bit in, it has fewer.

[ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 1 ] -- A cache with one bit used.

I keep adding bits:

[ _ 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 ] -- A cache with all but one bit used.

When I add the final bit, the cache is full:

[ 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 ] -- A full cache (with all bits used).

Now that the cache is full, I can write its value (in this example, 0xE9 or 233 decimal) to file, and reset my cache to empty.

[ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ] -- A cache with no bits used.

The simplest way to implement a cache is to keep track of how many bits are currently in it. A simple class to store the cache, the number of bits used, and methods to accept a bit to add to the cache and to flush should suffice. If you don't want to use a class, you can use functions with either global or static 'cache' and 'number of bits used' values.

Likewise, when you are compressing values, you also need to know how many bits are used in a code (in addition to what those bit values are). For example, a simple Huffman table:

  111   -
three bits
  010   -
three bits
  000   -
three bits
  1101  -
four bits
  1010  -
four bits
I yoinked the table from here:

To output the fourth code, I send them to the output cache, one bit at a time: 1, 1, 0, 1. If I next output the first code (1, 1, 1), and then the fifth code (1, 0, 1, 0), I am doing my job -- I know that the data is being written to disk whenever the cache gets full.

When you are done writing all bits, flush the cache to make sure that all bits are written to disk -- that is, if it is not empty, just write it (and all the extra, random bits it contains) to disk.

Pay attention to the order in which you put bits into the cache. Notice how I wrote them so that your decoder can read a bit and follow the bit pattern from the root of the tree down to a leaf. This is important.

That should be enough to get you started. Good luck!
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