wchar, I need some examples

Besides type char, I saw one larger type that contains all characters avaiable...

May I use this to see some Chinese character in console ?
This may give you some of the information you are looking for:

And why should I check the string to be concatenated by the following :

NOTE  The preceding technique for preventing an array overrun works for char strings, not  
for wchar_t strings. For wchar_t strings, you will need to use an expression like 
if(sizeof(strA) > wcslen(strA)*sizeof(wchar_t) + 
   wcslen(strB)*sizeof(wchar_t)) // ... 
This takes into consideration the size of a wide character. 
because strlen does not return the required information when dealing with wide characters. wcslen should be used to compute the space necessary to store the string.
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