So easy I am clueless!

My program makes the first conversion and then stops!
Can you see where I am going wrong?

using namespace std;

double Tempconversion(double Tc);

int main()
{double Tc, Tf(0);
cout << "Enter a starting temperature for Celcius: ";
cout << fixed;
cin >> Tc;
cout << " \n Celcius Farenheit" << endl;
for (double celcius=0; celcius<=20; celcius++)
cout << setw(8) << setprecision(4) << Tc <<
setw(18) << setprecision(4) << Tempconversion(Tf) << endl;
return 0;

double Tempconversion(double Tc)
{double Tf;
Tf = (((9/5) * Tc) + 32);
return Tf;
Inside the loop you have return 0; so you will only run what's inside the loop once.
change Tempconversion (Tf) to Tempconversion (Tc).
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