NULL integer ?


the question is probably stupid, but i would like to ask is there any case an integer to be null ?

If yes, how do we examine that?

I mean we have to use something like the code below :

int A;
if(A == NULL){
    //do something
    //do something else
as i know NULL is defined 0 .... i mean somewhere in header files is written

#define NULL 0 if (A==NULL) is if (A == 0)
There is no "NULL" for integers.

The NULL is a special value because it is not a valid pointer value. Hence, we can use it as a semaphore to indicate that "this pointer does not point to anything (valid)".

All values in an integer are valid, unless your code assumes otherwise.

For example, the std::string::npos value is the largest integer value. It is special because no string can (supposedly) get that long (and be useful).

You can either choose a special value that you will not consider valid, or you can use another boolean variable to track whether or not the integer has meaning.

Hope this helps.
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