help in functions

Please help me in this problem.

Rewrite the following program using the following functions:
1) double SINX(double x, int m)
2) double Fact(int n)
3) void powx(double x, int n, double y); y= x to power n

- Don't use the built in pow function.
- Don't use powx for (-1) to power n.
- In the main program you will call the function SINX and it will call the other two fuctions.
- Form your output to 3 decimal places and use width 9 for each number.

using namespace std;
int main()
double sinx=0,fact,x;
int m;
cout<<"Enter x and m:";
for (int n=0; n<=m; n++)
for (int i=1; i<=2*n+1; i++)
double term;
cout<<"The value of sin"<<x<<endl;
return 0;
First and foremost, use code tags.

Second, we don't do homeworks for others. If you can rephrase your problem so it is clear as to where you need help, and provided that where != EVERYWHERE, then we'll gladly lend a hand.
If Fact is a Factorial function you could impress you Prof by using recursion.

The first thing you need to do is grab a piece of paper and write down the steps to accomplish the goal. If you don't know what the steps are then you have no business coding.

Just using plain English I came up with this :

multiply x times itself n number of times and set it equal to y

But then after thinking about it I realized that since n is the number I start with I would only
multiply by n-1 versions of itself.

So, 4 cubed is n x n x n. So since I already have n I only need 2 extra versions of itself, not 3 or then I would be calculating 4 to the 4th power.

Then I convert to code, or attempt to.

        // actual code
	void powx(double x, int n, double y) {
              double tmp = x;
	      for(int i = 0; i < n-1; i++) {
		   y = tmp * x;
	           tmp = y;
        cout << y << endl;

This is just a sample and will not account for (Don't use powx for (-1) to power n.), whatever that means. I am fairly bad at Math as well even though I have a minor in Applied Mathematics so I'm sorry if my explanation was poor.
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