Help with Game Program it!
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closed account (zb0S216C)
It's not polite, and in a sense, direspectful to delete the contents of your post(s).

I agree. Nor does it make any sense.
Maybe he was embarrassed.
I'm a she thank you very much and I deleted the post because it was a project for a class and I know others within my class use this for help and I did not want them to use what I submitted because they were too lazy to do it themselves! If someone would had offered advice to the post then I wouldn't have deleted the post but since I figured it out myself I decided to delete. Maybe you should get the background before posting snide comments! A simple hey why did you delete your code? would have sufficed!!
If this was indeed a class project then it would have been prudent to not post source code in the first place.
We had no snide comments. Don't come here for help if you don't like us
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