RPG help

hello i need some help programing an rpg first i need some help With the characters, how do i make it so that the character can base stats. for example how would you go about linking an attack, defense, and speed stat to a character.
secondly for movement how would i set up an X and Y axis so that when i press up on my keyboard the Y axis increases by 1 and so on with the other keys
Thirdly how would i make it so that i can have an area i stand can have multiple different properties. for example how would i make it so, as in pokemon, if your in water you can encounter enemies like in grass but you couldn't ride a bike like you could in grass.
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1) You will need to look into data structures.

2) This depends on the medium you're working in. Console? Window? Are there graphics involved? 2D or 3D?

3) Refer to question.

You'll be surprised how much you can do using data structures. Welcome to OOP
the medium is window and the graphics would be 2D. and thanks for the tip with data structures
You'll need to look into keyboard listening and events for the movement then
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