problem with get and getline

int main()
char a[3];
char b,c,d;

cin.getline( a,3 );
cout << a << endl << b << endl << c << endl << d << endl;

When I tried to run the above code and typed in a list of letters "fldaslk", I got the following result on the output screen.



Can someone explain the output shown? I have problem using get and getline together. Thank you:)
You asked istream::getline() to read a line, that is, a sequence of characters that ends with a newline character.

It failed to do so, because it ran out of the buffer space provided (2 characters, which is how big is a null-terminated byte string that can be stored in an array of 3).

When an input function fails, it sets the failbit on the input stream, so cin.getline(a,3); enabled the failbit on std::cin

When the failbit on a stream is set, no further input from that stream is possible until the error is cleared (e.g. with cin.clear();), so none of your three cin.get()'s did anything. The values you see in b, c, and d, are values of uninitialized variables.
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Thank you very much, Cubbi!!!
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