I dont understand pointers.

Hey guys I'm on the pointers section of C++ and I understand that & is a reference operator. so if you had a and b and you said a=&b that would be saying that a actually equals b's memory block, not just its value. But dereference operators (*) just doint make any sense. It says that it points to the value of something. so if *b=a wouldnt that just be the same as b=a? because b=a is referring to the value also.
and you said a=&b that would be saying that a actually equals b's memory block, not just its value.

No, not at all. It assigns the address of b to the pointer variable a.

so if *b=a wouldnt that just be the same as b=a?

No. Besides that it won't compile, b is a variable that that can only hold addresses to int objects (assuming a is an integer), while a is a variable that can hold only integers. So you can't do b=a;
However, when dereferencing b, you get a reference to the integer object b points to. You can assign an integer to an integer just fine, so *b=a; is okay.
Okay for the reference you said it assigns a to the address of b. What exactly does that entail? Also can you explain what it means to point to? correct me if I'm wrong but lets say a=&b. a would just be using b's same address without taking up any extra memory and a would be pointing to the address of b? and as for dereference operators I cant quite grasp the concept. Ive read the section on them a few times but could you explain them to me? I really appreciate it.
b is pointing to someplace in memory. Assigning *b = a, puts the value of a into the address b is pointing to.

assigning b = a (assuming b is still a pointer), moves b to point to the address that was the value in a.

Either of these will cause a memory protection fault if the address is invalid.
Okay thank both of you, you guys cleared it up. So basically * is just a pathway to a different value, memory block, etc?
Yeah, pretty much.
you said it assigns a to the address of b.

It assigns the address of a to b.

Also can you explain what it means to point to?

It means "to hold the address of".

So basically * is just a pathway to a different value, memory block, etc?

Yes, I suppose you could say that.

Does this video help?

And perhaps this link to understand memory addresses better:
There might be better explanations, most books cover it too.
so did I have it backwards?
Yes. The variable on the left side of an assignment is the one that receives the new value and the new value is on the right side.
In the operation *a = &b , the address of 'b' is assigned to the pointer variable a i.e. 'a' points to 'b'. For e.g the variable 'b' is stored at some memory location (say 0x0000f), then &b would return the address where 'b' is stored in the memory.

Also pointer variable are used to store address of variables, i.e values like 0x0000f which represent addresses. Hence *a = &b; will assign the address of 'b' to pointer variable 'a' . Hence if we want to refer 'b' we can also use 'a', hence we say that 'a' is pointing towards 'b';

Consider this program;

#include <iostream>

int main()
    int *a;
    int b = 7;
    a = &b;
    std::cout<<"Value of b : "<<b; 
    std::cout<<" Address of b : "<<&b;
    std::cout<<" Address that a holds : "<<a;
    std::cout<<" Value that a points to : "<<*a;
    return 0;
} // end of main

To get further info on '&' operator :
Wow greatest feeling ever it all just clicked. though you declared variable a as a pointer then on line 7 you used a without the asterisk. Does it matter whether you use it or not?
Oh okay I just read it again. you declared that a= the address of b so when you output a alone it is simply b's address. Though when you use the asterisk it outputs the value of the address. correct me if Im wrong
you declared that a= the address of b so when you output a alone it is simply b's address.


Though when you use the asterisk it outputs the value of the address.

It prints the value stored at that address, yes.
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