Furthering my C++ learning

Im wondering what the advanced c++ users feel is the best way to learn C++. Of course repetition is first, but after that! What, in your opinion, is the best way of learning? E.G - Books, College Classes, C++ Dictionary's, Online tutorials. Im wondering this because over the summer this year i am thinking about taking some college level classes, and i am also reading some C++ books. I want to know which i should focus my attention to more. Thanks!

EDIT: It might be useful to note ive been learning this language through books and online tutorials for 7 months now, so i know that repetition of making your programs is first on the list. Im asking about the second most important!
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It all depends on your ability. I learned everything from books. But I think the majority should use a teacher. It is often easier.
I feel the best way to learn c++ is to try to make your own programs .
Of course , you need to know some basics first .

And the books or the teacher will only give you knowledge , they will not make
you a C++ programmer but a C++ teacher .
The best way of learning depends on yourself, like I love reading and watching vids and practicing etc etc, therefore I use the following items (I didn't include cplusplus, because we already know of that :) ):


There are also videos on youtube. Like from thenewboston.
google and youtube these days provide some good content... not endorsing them.
The question is where do you want to begin?
I agree with myrco that thenewboston on youtube has some good content... and a wide variety of stuff to keep you busy for a while.
College classes might be a waste of time if you are intermediate... but what is your definition of intermediate?
Do you want to major in Computer Science?
I prefer books as back up reference and videos if I am feeling lazy.
Getting a Mentor works for some aswell.

I learnd myself and made games!
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