Map of Vectors of strings


I am new to this forum and to c++.

I am writing a program that will create a map of vectors with each key of the map referencing a vector of strings.

I am able to create the map but then when I try to access the contents - I am not able to...

The code I have written is pasted below. Within the function createMap, the map is correctly created. But outside of the while loop in the function processString, I get nothing. In fact, even if I have a generic bout statement after the while loop, it does not execute. Any advice?



void createMap(string &s, string &st, Map<Vector<string> > & m)


void processString(string &line, Map<Vector<string> > & m, int k)

int i=0;
string s, st;

while (cond)
if(i > line.length()) break;
s = line.substr(i,k);
st = line.substr(i+k,k);
s= " the ";
cout << "Size of vector for the string " << s << "is = " << m[s].size() << endl;

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