How long a program runs?

Is there a way to know how long a program need to be complete?
EDIT:I edited my question to make more sense
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clock() returns how many ticks have passed since the program was started. The length of a tick is system-dependent.0For example, on Windows is 1 ms and on Linux is 1 µs. CLOCKS_PER_SEC will give you that information.
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what do you mean?
if your question mean how long it need to be complete, or when the progams stop?
with the first quest ,your program must be edit to the robot_code and it realy to be use,and input more information to complete the program.
with the second quest,the program auto run to top to bot the program and stop when end it,with {} in the main funtion. in that running mabe it can call the oather fuctions to solve the problem.
i'm reaby in english.maybe i'm not know esaly wwhat you mean,if wrong tell me more.
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