Linker errors.

Hello, i have a quite advanced project, its a wow server project. Anyways this is problems that probably have occurred to everyone: Linker errors.

Im getting these linker errors when i'm trying to compile git:// (git checkout develop) to checkout to my development branch which does not always compile or work at all.

1>npc_scripts.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: static class Player * __cdecl ObjectAccessor::FindPlayer(class ObjectGuid)" (?FindPlayer@ObjectAccessor@@SAPAVPlayer@@VObjectGuid@@@Z) referenced in function "public: static class Player * __cdecl ObjectMgr::GetPlayer(class ObjectGuid)" (?GetPlayer@ObjectMgr@@SAPAVPlayer@@VObjectGuid@@@Z)
1>npc_scripts.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "private: static bool MaNGOS::Singleton<class ObjectMgr,class MaNGOS::SingleThreaded<class ObjectMgr>,class MaNGOS::OperatorNew<class ObjectMgr>,class MaNGOS::ObjectLifeTime<class ObjectMgr> >::si_destroyed" (?si_destroyed@?$Singleton@VObjectMgr@@V?$SingleThreaded@VObjectMgr@@@MaNGOS@@V?$OperatorNew@VObjectMgr@@@3@V?$ObjectLifeTime@VObjectMgr@@@3@@MaNGOS@@0_NA)
1>npc_scripts.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "private: static class ObjectMgr * MaNGOS::Singleton<class ObjectMgr,class MaNGOS::SingleThreaded<class ObjectMgr>,class MaNGOS::OperatorNew<class ObjectMgr>,class MaNGOS::ObjectLifeTime<class ObjectMgr> >::si_instance" (?si_instance@?$Singleton@VObjectMgr@@V?$SingleThreaded@VObjectMgr@@@MaNGOS@@V?$OperatorNew@VObjectMgr@@@3@V?$ObjectLifeTime@VObjectMgr@@@3@@MaNGOS@@0PAVObjectMgr@@A)
1>npc_scripts.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall ObjectMgr::ObjectMgr(void)" (??0ObjectMgr@@QAE@XZ) referenced in function "public: static class ObjectMgr * __cdecl MaNGOS::OperatorNew<class ObjectMgr>::Create(void)" (?Create@?$OperatorNew@VObjectMgr@@@MaNGOS@@SAPAVObjectMgr@@XZ)
1>npc_scripts.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall ObjectMgr::~ObjectMgr(void)" (??1ObjectMgr@@QAE@XZ) referenced in function "public: void * __thiscall ObjectMgr::`scalar deleting destructor'(unsigned int)" (??_GObjectMgr@@QAEPAXI@Z)
1>..\..\..\..\bin\win32_release/mangosscript.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 5 unresolved externals

What im trying to do is having a vector (the only list like thing ive partly mastered) and storing a struct containing two values in there. Then find the player pointer via the players guid, accessing a set of files which is far beyond my knowledge. I only need help with the linker errors, and "workarounds" are not really interesting, because i never understood linker errors or their msdn explanations really. So i come here in hope of getting not only a clear answer of what i probably should include, but also why this is happening and how you actually found out how to solve this riddle. Any feedback is appreciated

EDIT: Seems like it's compiling on my Debian machine, but not my windows (VS2008) machine :S

- LilleCarl
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