Need help for simple program?

The prompt my teacher has is below, I have it done the program already but I haven't used ignore,peek,get, and putback, so can someone please show me how to use them in this program?

Write a C++ program that prompts the user to enter their full name (first name, middle name or middle initial and then last name) each seperated by a whitespace.

Your program will then output their name, as well as their initials, to the standard output screen.

Your program MUST untilize the following member functions for the cin object: peek,get,putback and ignore. You may use thse functions more than once BUT YOU MUST USE ALL OF THEM AT LEAST ONCE.

YOur program is not allowed to have more than the following six variable declaration types:
-three variables of type string to store the three name parts
-three variables of type char to store the initials


If the input was : John W Frank

The output would be: Your name is John W Frank
Your initials are JWF
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