Game engines that use C++

I'm looking for a game engine that uses C++. I want to create a 3D game but I know what you're gonna say. However I did created some 2D games.... but I can't create 2D mmorpg/shooting games with scripting/coding on there because they're not free. :( Sooo what game engine out there that can make 2D and 3D or 3D with C++?
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That's not a.... game engine O.O?
SFML is a multimedia library. Look at Ogre, or Irrlicht. That's all I can think of top of my head.
Ogre3D is nice if you take the time to learn all it's features but it's not enough to make a full game.

I would go with Unity or CryEngine because they are both full on development kits so you don't have to spend days trying to hook up you 3D, Physics, Audio, and Gui components together.

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