Boot camp courses bay area

Hi everyone,

I would like to know if anyone can recommend an instructor led boot camp style course to get up to speed with "Practical" C++ programming, I am very solid with the academic side of it but lack the practicality of it. I am an experienced Java/Perl/C# engineer but want to delve more into C++ which I know I have only touched the surface.

If you already know C# then you don't really need an instructor. Other then pointer manipulation, multiple inheritance, and the STL library there isn't very much else to learn.

You can pick the core skills up from 2 books. One on the principals and one on the OOP aspects. For the latter I recommend this book, it is the straight to the point and won't waste your time.

The libraries are going to be the biggest change. If you are used to .Net and Java then you will be a bit disappointed to be honest but C++ will feel like a much purer language.

Instead of Dictionaries you will use Maps. Instead of DataTables you will use 2D Lists or Vectors or you could build your own Data Table class from scratch.

Pointers will be the biggest learning curve. You probably never used them in C# because most people don't even know they are exist and even so Microsoft doesn't make them easy to use. Of course in Java they are impossible to use. You can pick them up rather quickly as soon and just try and visualize that you are actually working with memory cells directly.

Good luck.

EDIT - for the practically I would try and join C++ groups online find some resource sites. Sadly this is the only C++ site I frequent. All the other programming sites I use are .Net related.

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