How did you learn C++

So i had a folder of over 50 files of notes.. My filesystem got corrupted and i lost everything, my fault because i didnt back them up. But how did you learn C++, did you take notes and all that?
i'm still learning i have no notes just lots of unfinished 'projects' :D

this site as an 'intro' and thinking in c++ are some good resources
I've said it before and I'll say it again; I'll never stop learning C++.
I've said it before and I'll say it again; I'll never stop learning C++.

That's true :D C++ is a journey with no end :D

However I started by reading some books and looking on the internet for tutorials , this site actually helped a lot :) , and then I solved some problems and started playing with the language :D because the only way to learn programming is to program :D imho .
Alpha version code is always prone to bugs. You must treat your code as if anything it deals with will be corrupted in one way or another.

Anytime you're dealing with files, use the program on copies of those files. When you're dealing with system specs, make sure you make a backup of your system on an external source. Otherwise, you risk losing whatever you're working with.
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