What's the differences of learning C++ online and the book?

What's the differences ;o?
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When you use random online sources, you'll still have no clear grasp of the basics after a few months and you will have learned tons of incorrect things which are going to keep you back for years. When you use one of the few good books that exist, you'll learn things properly.
That's the main difference, basically.
Is "C++ how to program third edition" a good book? My uncle gave it to me when he was in college?
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I answered this one before, the third edition is old, but it's only covering basic programming syntax and such. It was written in 1996, if I'm not mistaken, which is before the first C++ standard C++98. Again, it might not change much for a beginners book, but the newer editions are going to have more information.

As for it being good, I don't know, but I've never heard of it before you said anything, so I'd assume it's not on the "top purchases" list for a reason.

As Athar said, jumping to different sources isn't a great idea, it's best to learn from one source as much as possible, I'd suggest starting here. It's not perfect, by any means, but it's a fairly complete guide to the basic functionality of C++. Aside from that, read the forums for ideas on what to program, bookmark something, or subscribe, and read each update to it. Asking others for what to learn can sometimes work, but it typically won't last very long as other's might see it as annoying.

I'd suggest reading you book through, it was free, and it was published, two great things, so it can't be too terrible, then just read the tutorial here, it might cover things the book didn't, especially considering the difference in age. From there, look for people asking for help on the forums, read their problem, and if they supplied code, make sure you can understand it, and see if you can come up with a solution. You'll learn better if you're constantly being challenged.

Even though you feel like you're done with your grade program, keep trying to expand upon it, make it bigger and better. You will only ever get better by expanding your knowledge, practicing new syntax, and searching (read Googling).
Sorry, I had the wrong year, 2000, but it's still over a decade old (I learned from a similar book in high school however). Like I said, beginner books don't really matter about the year it was published, but having a more recent edition typically will cover more things, have less errors, and overall be an easier read. I've never had an issue with Dietel & Dietel books, I found they were pretty easy to read, but I believe they're all "textbooks".

But, since it was free, I highly recommend reading it either way.
You can get "Thinking in C++" for free.


It's very long and drawn out, and not really a to-the-point type of book; other than that I hear it's good.
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