Self taught and humbly seeking direction

Hi all,

(hmm, I wonder how many people post on here with the desire to become a games programmer).

As I've stated in the title I am self taught at writing in C++. I have gone through the tutorials (at least the free ones) and started looking into the reference pages.

I have since decided to try making my own tetris game (not called tetris of course ;) ) but am having trouble with some of the logic - I humbly believe it's a problem that's exacerbated by my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome which gives me brain fog.

I fully understand that game programming is a step up from conventional programming, so perhaps I am trying to run before I can walk?

So here's my question. Since I've been self taught in C++ and haven't had any experience with 'professional' coding what would you lovely people suggest? Should I get a list of projects and work through them? Then reworking the code to make it neater? Is there a good book that lists some practices that should be under my belt before I try game programming? Or should I continue to bumble along on my own with the game programming?

Sorry if none of this is making much sense.


P.S. Brain Fog = problems with following logical thought, speech problems and memory lapses.
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There's no one way, really. People learn differently. Some learn more from reading, some from doing.

Personally, I think the easiest way to learn is to get stuck in and have a go, as you are. If your goal is to make a Tetris clone, keep at it. If you're having trouble with a particular part, post your issues on this forum (I'd recommend a new post) and someone will no doubt help out.

There's always going to be troublesome (and even boring) parts of programming, be it games, tools or whatever.

If you're copying a bunch of code and not understanding much of it, I'd recommend taking a few steps back. That's what I did when I first encountered Objective-C and iOS programming and it paid off massively. If you're just struggling with a particular part of your program, as I said previously, just get it posted and see if you get some help.
(hmm, I wonder how many people post on here with the desire to become a games programmer)

(I can't recall the last time someone explicitly expressed a desire to be any other kind of programmer (many people here, of course, are not games programmers. but they don't explicitly express their desire not to be a games programmer). I think the industry must project some kind of glamour, as the available evidence seems to indicate that programmers in it have a miserable time compared to programmers in other fields.)

Moschops wrote:
I think the industry must project some kind of glamour, as the available evidence seems to indicate that programmers in it have a miserable time compared to programmers in other fields.)

I'd agree with this.

I believe the games industry has surpassed the film industry as the largest grossing entertainment industry and, now more than ever, customers take more of an interest in the game's production. It's why you'll often see developer diaries and the like for big companies, showing flashy offices with nice perks and fun environments.

I even heard someone quote something like "games programmers are the new rock stars" once, which made me chuckle a bit.

In truth, the games industry is a dangerous, volatile industry to be a part of. There are a heck of a lot of closures (the most recent in the UK being Sony Liverpool, creators of the Wipeout series) due to poor sales and overspending.

Still, would I turn down a games programming job? Probably not.
@moschops. Considering the games industry is worth several billions dollars a year I can only imagine that it's a very stressful industry. Especially when ignorant gamers can get VERY abusing, offensive and even threatening when they don't like someting.

That's pretty much what I've been doing. Although now that I've gone through the basic tutorials I've been trying to build the logic myself without having to look at anyone elses work. It's the hard way I know but feel that I'll benefit from it more in the long run... well that's the idea anyway lol. Admittedly I have peeked at this tutorial, just ignoring the SDL references;

Okay so I'll continue ploughing ahead, but in the meantime what books could be recommended? My friend has ordered "Programming a Multiplayer FPS with DirectX", but as it's coming from America (I'm in the UK) it could take a while. Any other books that people have found invaluable?

Again thanks for replies all.
A book titled "Programming a Multiplayer FPS with DirectX", to me, makes many assumptions. It might be personal stigmas, but I tend to take books that offer a lot of stuff like that with a pinch of salt.

That to me hints that it's going to cover DirectX programming/rendering, network programming and will have to include general game logic, physics and, perhaps (if there's bots) AI. It's a lot to promise from one book.

Again, it's a personal thing, but I never like these "this is all you need" books. I've found that they skim subjects and omit a fair bit of knowledge giving you only what you need to barely get by. Not saying that particular book is bad or that all of those books are like that, it's just my opinion of them.

The tutorial there, at a glance, doesn't look too bad at all. I would definitely consider going through it to see what the logic is like, rather than figure out yourself. While your intentions are laudable, you might be creating an almost impossible task for yourself. Seeing how the logic is applied in this program may help you develop a systematic approach for applying logic to future programs. This all depends on what level you're at as a beginning/self-taught programmer, but my general summary is that there's no shame in following tutorials and looking at example code; if you can learn from it then it's encouraged.

I've taken a similar thought to this book. I know that this is not going to cover all I need to write great games... But I'm hoping that it will provide me some starting points, so that I can find out which parts I'm good at, which I need more help on and where the holes in my knowledge lie.

As for that tutorial I'll give it a bash. Your points have given me more encouragement, so thank you for that.

Hope someone else reading this benefits as well.

Thanks all!!!
Considering the games industry is worth several billions dollars a year I can only imagine that it's a very stressful industry.

I'm (currently) in the defence industry, which is worth many many several billion dollars a year. It's not nearly as miserable to be in as the games industry, I understand. Of course, I can't remember the last time a bunch of customers complained about things to each other on the web.
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LMAO - yeah any forums those complaints go on will be shut down before you could say "Breach of security" lol.

Guess it's just the attention seeking producers and winging customers that ruin it for the programmers...

Guess it's just the attention seeking producers and winging customers that ruin it for the programmers...

Start with the famous EA Spouse post and go from there :)
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