process returned 3 <3x0> :|

I'm a beginner here. I don't know where to ask this!
I wrote a program and when I run it for big times, for example happening an event for an hour, or for big network sizes, the program starts working and after a few minutes returns:
"This application has requested the runtime to terminate it in an unusual way"
"process returned 3 <0x3>"

I've tried it on a different powerful hardware and it returns the same!
I use windows 7, 64 bit and codeblocks 10.05.
I think the value of calculations may cause this but can't reduce my calculations. Maybe a way to increase the calculations capacity was useful.
Thanks for help :)
Please post your code
closed account (zb0S216C)
A few possibilities spring to mind:

• Buffer overflow
• Stack overflow
• Range overflow

"This application has requested the runtime to terminate it in an unusual way" is a sign that the application has thrown an exception, which went uncaught; thus, the system sent a signal to your program requesting its termination. This normally happens when you either write to invalid/unowned memory, dereference a null-pointer, or throwing an exception, but not catching it.

Have you attempted to debug the program?

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@Aceix it's over 1500lines!

@framework I have attempted that. when i use debug, the program goes well to the end of its time loop, but it gives no output. I've checked all my program and it seems to be ok! For any exception, I've set an IF that after some loops, if it doesn't reach the point, loop ends!
any other way?!
closed account (o3hC5Di1)
Hi there,

You'll either need to post the code (pastebin), or post the debugging log, otherwise we're just entirely in the dark on this.

All the best,
closed account (zb0S216C)
bibalan wrote:
"For any exception, I've set an IF that after some loops"
if() statements don't catch exceptions; catch() statements do.

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