what means this code


what means this code?

virtual Type^ GetType() sealed

this code is from http://msdn.microsoft.com/cs-cz/library/s2wzt390.aspx

Why This function is virtual?

sorry, i'm beginner
Last edited on
I think that classes in C# are inherited from System.Object. So to determine the type of a derived class the virtual method of System.Object is used.
Thank you.

But why in c + + uses the word virtual but not in c #?
c++: virtual Type^ GetType() sealed
c#: public Type GetType()

Why C # does not use virtual keyword?

Sorry for bad English
Why C # does not use virtual keyword?

Are you sure?

Why C # does not use virtual keyword?
Are you sure?

@Peter87, he asked about the method GetType in C#.
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