I need a forumla

To convert ASCII into a number.
For example, if I had ASCII 50. I need to convert into the number 2.

My prof was saying some thing about sum of crap.. And... well.. idk, I just a formula. ;)
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int convertToInt(char c)
    if (isdigit(c))
        return c - '0';
    return -1; //c is not a digit


or you can use atoi to convert string to integer
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Could you explain why a character - '0' would convert it to a int?
Also, I don't have to use isdigit() because all the ASCII values I'll be working with will be digits. And I can't use any built in functions.

There's gotta some type of formula for calculating it.
you can use
function which convert ascii into integer.
because every ASCII char is an integer.
'0' is 48; 48 - 48 == 0
'1' is 49; 49 - 48 == 1
'2' is 50; 50 - 48 == 2
'9' is 57; 57 - 48 == 9

so if you want to convert an ASCII char into number, just simply minus 48, or '0' if you can't remember 48. The compiler will treat '0' as 48.
Tntxtnt's code would work perfectly.
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