Visit URL with referer with c++

Hi guys, I have an issue and i hope that you could help me!

I've made a code that scan a web page for a certain link that changes every day and opens it with a simple :

ShellExecute(NULL, "open", link5.c_str(), NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);

where link5 is the link that i was looking for.

Now the issue is that I need to visit that url with the site where i found it as referer!

Is there a way in c++ to "set" the referer OR (maybe better?) simply simulate a click on that link?

Thank you in advance and sorry for my bad english!
WinAPI has functions for simulating mouse clicks I believe. (I assume your using Windows)
Thank you for the answer!
But in this case should I setup a simulated mouse click based on screen position?
I would have thought so, you cant simulate a mouse click without screen coordinates...
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